Is Your Website an Island?
If you are using your website as the primary tool for marketing your business, then its core message and the strength of the brand better radiate brilliance.
In my opinion, a website should not be the only method to promote our businesses. However that is a separate matter and will be covered in the next issue of the TipSheet.
Over the past few months, I have spoken to business owners and CEOs who invested a good chunk of change and time into their organizations’ websites. Despite large investments of effort, time and money, there was a problem with their approaches. The preliminary step prior to modifying or redesigning their sites did not happen. As a result, these sites lack a powerful message that speaks from the customer’s perspective and in their lingo. Worse yet, there is a brand disconnect between the continuity of the website and all other internal and external communication tools. For some, their brand is either diluted or not integrated holistically across all aspects of the business.
If you are thinking about changing your website, now is the time to find out what your customers would like to see when they come to your site, what they would like to hear, and what they would like you to offer. Now is the time to find out why they buy from you and continue to do so time and time again. Those clients who have worked with me to accomplish this goal have built a strong brand presence, have converted more “ideal prospects” to customers, and have developed stronger relationships with their existing customers.
For a complete article on this subject, send your request to me at